Sunday, January 11, 2015

"I have a deep fear of being too much. That one day I will fine my someone, and they will realize that I am a hurricane. They will step back and be intimidated by my muchness." -Michelle K.

I saw this quote today and it hit home hard. I'm beginning to realize more and more that I am a whirlwind of passion and intensity and brokenness and joy and I know people will be attracted to that at first but it won't be long before they realize can't touch tornadoes without being sucked into the storm. I'm terrifying and everyone will realize that before too long.


  1. You just have to find people who like the intensity. I know I can be really melodramatic and intense, and I know I have friends who like it and friends who deal with it. I think I try to act more subdued around the ones who don't like it so much. It's hard, to still be myself, though, y'know?

    1. Hi Josiah. Thank you so much for the advice! :)
